Unique handbags from Noa's Collection
Noa’s Collection brings you great quality leather handbags and beautiful items. The colors ar vibrant and fun. The purses are a mix of Argentinian leather and Italian drawings.Francoise Nielly – The art in all its color
Passion, dedication and love – Gurrado Home Design
Simple, light and clean worked. This is how I would describe the Gurrado furniture and home décor. The products are carefuly made with attention to detail from high quality materials. The goal of the manufacturers are to make furniture that would defide time. Attention to detail and careful selection of timber and veneers are the essential ingredients for all Gurrado furniture and home décor.
Darabil – old school techniques for new fashion accessories
One-of-a-kind Gems plus Leather
Kobi Levi Soes - From Imagination to Reality
A Meticulously Chaotic Approach to Art - Jamie D'Errico
Ispirational Quotes Through Collages
A peak inside the universe
Who would’ve known that physics and art have someting in common? „A galaxy is both beautiful and fun to look at but it is also on average 100,000 light years across. Meaning? It would take you 100,000 years to cross from one end to the other if you could travel at the speed of light” (Rana Levy).
Great mosaics from Florida
of Mosaics is an online shop that brings mosaics to another level, the piece
that took my attention is the great colorfull guitar covered entirely with tiles. The owner of the shop
is Christine
Burgess. The artist has been working
in mosaics for over 10 years now, mostly doing keepsake mirrors and home decor
Fun and joy – clothes with personality from Mandalina Rossa
„My customers are the ones who like to get dressed colorful and stand out in crowd.They still keep the inner child alive” - Nazlı Çetiner. Nazlı Çetiner is the person behind Mandalina Rossa. The business idea came up to Nazlı when she was studying fashion design at Fashion Institute of Technology.
The future is closer than we thought - Amy Winter interview
Dresses that change color become reality. The imagination of one designer changes the world of fashion forever. London-based designer Amy Winters made revolutionary items of fashion, from the Rainforest dress, to the Thunderstorm. Amy ‘Rainbow’ Winters is a textile and fashion designer working with interactive materials and excited by their use in performance and entertainment.
Simple Story, big ideas - Interview Farm to Front Porch
Ezebee.com - great place to sell your artwork

The artist behind the hand painted portrait T-shirts – Elena Di Natale

Funky style shoes for happy people - Interviw with Rhonda Savage from Seriously Savage Online Store

„If you can imagine it, I can paint it!” – Rhonda Savage
Indeed Rhonda is one of the most
talented painters I’ve ever seen. What she puts her mind to, she spreads it
with paint on any surface. The painted shoes are the most famous products she
has. The images make me smile every time I look at them, even if I am sad. Perhaps,
Rhonda’s positive attitude is extended in her paintings and from there, they
end up touching the viewers heart. I
talked to Rhonda about her life, her online shop and where does she find her
GatoJewel - Experimental jewelry for independent people from Ukraine - Interviw with Yulia Gato

'Pintura Ocular' – a new way to spread your talent on canvas through your tears

Leandro Granato is an Argentinian artist, who invented a new way of expression his calls - 'Pintura Ocular' - or 'Eye Painting'. The artist creates abstract paintings by snorting a watercolor mixture up his nose, and pushing it through a connection near his eye. Several times called crazy ,he asserts: “The crazy roads open after the wise men will travel”.
Shimrit Manor, the girl behind Lollytout: “I don’t know how to draw a straight line”.

Lollytout was founded by Shimrit Manor. As she states out, Shimrit dreamed and searched for shoes just like these: a one of a kind unique pair, high quality and durable. After a lot of searches and different ideas of how shoes must be created, she decided it’s time to stop searching and start creating.
Bold African style prints for women - De-Mes’Tiks by Reuben Reuel

The artist behind the hand painted portrait T-shirts – Elena Di Natale

Many people appreciate hand painted items, especially T-shirts, but few really understand the process. It starts with an idea and the painter makes it alive drawn by his inspiration and talent. Easy said but hard to get. The process may take from half an hour to even days, depending on the drawing. However, some painters stop at some certain drawings, based on their own feelings. Elena Di Natale prefers to paint portraits on T-shirt.
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